Run with Heart to Find Your Flow State
I have been doing a lot of thinking about what allows me to run my best. I’ve been wondering about the running mode that feels like I am flying. A lot of people call it their flow state. Flow state is also know as being in the zone. It usually comes from being fully present, focused, and immersed in something. I don’t always find my flow state on a run, but when I do, it feels soooo good. It’s hard to describe how it feels. For me, I feel like I’m floating down the trail. It feels magical. I feel so connected to the earth and the universe when I reach this state. Finding my flow state brings me to a state of joy, and that joy flows into a runner’s high. It fills up my body and soul with positive energy that lasts hours after my run.
So many times I have been asked how to reach this flow state, and most times, I really do not know how to answer that question. I have been spending a lot of time trying to find the right words to describe this state of being. It is a feeling that is unique to everyone. I believe that learning how to connect to your body and your spirit is the way to finding your flow state.
When I get into my flow state, I am usually on a trail that I love and know very well, so I feel like I can let go and not worry about the technical part of trail running. I know every turn, hill, dip, and rut along the trail. I know I can run the route and succeed. This allows me to relax and focus my thoughts inward. When I look inward, and I accept myself for who I am I feel happiness in my heart. When I stop caring about what the rest of the world thinks of me. When I let go of expectations. When I tune into my breathing with each step. When I truly love myself I can run with my heart.
I believe that finding and loving the truest version of yourself leads you to your flow state. The truest version of yourself shines from the light inside your heart. That light has a flame that burns bright inside your soul. Find that flame inside you. Tend to the embers. Breathe life into the fire that lights up your spirit. That fire propels you forward. It lets you fly and soar. It lets you float and flow. It lets you be truly you!
Look for the spark that lights up your soul. Find it. It’s hidden inside you. Inside the truest You. Tap into your soul. Be fully present with yourself. Love and embrace all of You! Set yourself free to fly!
This is key to finding your flow state.
Love yourself and let your heart guide you down the trail.
I have been working on creating an online course to help guide runners to learn to find their flow state and run with their heart. I will be offering this online course later in the year. It will be a self-paced course to gently guide you to find your flow. Keep an eye out for more information coming soon!!!